Presbyond -A Revolutionary Blend for Clear Sight
Presbyond Laser Blended Vision is a new solution for presbyopia i.e. the problem of age related loss of vision also called as accommodation. In this condition , the main problem is related to the focusing. Due to age, the lens hardens and the images of objects form behind the retina instead of on it. Presbyond aims at liberating the patients of presbyopia; therefore, Presbyond Laser Blended vision is a treatment for myopic, hyperopic, astigmatic as well as emmetropic presbyopic patients.
In this treatment procedure, the depth of the field of the eye is increased. Due to this the dominant eye is corrected for distant and intermediate vision, whereas the non dominant eye is corrected for slightly myopic nearsighted vision. In this treatment the vision is blended and as a result enables the brain to merge the images easily n decode the same. This is an achievement and exclusivity about Presbyond Laser Blended Vision.
The same effect could be achieved by laser surgery- LASIK, PRK etc., But the impact of Presbyond as compared to the conventional monovision procedures is beyond compare.